What is a brownfield?

A brownfield is a property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.”


What do you do if you have or think you have a Browns Field Site?

The first thing that you should do after reading the information, is report the site to the Office of Environmental Protection.

The second thing that you can do is fill out a form and you are still uncertain, feel free to contact Crystal St John., Browns Field Coordinator, at the Office of Environmental Protection. You can then ask any questions you have.

The third thing that will happen, after receiving the information, then if it is determined that you do have a Browns Field site, they will come out and assess the area and determine the level of contamination.


After Clean up, what does a Browns Field Site need to be restored to?

Once a site is cleaned up, the site needs to be restored to one of the three following states in order to be in collaboration with the grant. They are…

Commercial development

Recreational Property

Return to a Natural State


Protecting our land for future generations



Report Illegal dumping to EPA 605-245-2212

Crystal St John

Brownfield Coordinator

Crow Creek Sioux Tribe 

P.O. Box 380

142 Red Horse Lodge Road

Fort Thompson, SD 57339

605-245-2212 Telephone

605-245-2602 – FAX


PUBLIC RECORD of the last cleanup for Crow Creek Sioux Tribe Click on the link below